Look Up! FAA Proposing Flight Path Change Over KB
Tony WintonMay 20, 2019

In this diagram provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, proposed flight path changes for takeoffs are shown. Thin lines show radar tracks for current flights, arrows indicate proposed new paths. (Key News via FAA)
Federal regulators are planning to change the routes that jets take near Key Biscayne when they are headed to and from Miami International Airport.
The Federal Aviation Administration presented proposed changes to the existing flight plan to the Miami-Dade County Commission earlier this month, as part of a system-wide transition to a next generation navigation technology intended to improve efficiency and aircraft dispersion.
For departures, the proposal would shift traffic westward from Key Biscayne so that ascending jets would tend to climb over Biscayne Bay more often.
“You would see a reduction over Key Biscayne,” said Jim Arrighi, Metroplex Program Manager for the FAA.
“It should be a benefit for Key Biscayne,” he said.
For landings, there would be little difference from current flight paths.
The approval process includes evaluation of environmental impacts, and the new plan is not expected to take effect until 2021, Arrighi said.
The FAA is encouraging public comment, and the agency has extended the period for online submissions until June 5.
Comments can be submitted to https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/nextgen_near_you/community_involvement/florida/