Layoffs Hit Code Compliance Staff

Village Manager Andrea Agha terminated three employees in the code compliance office this week, and will outsource code inspection functions to two contractors.

The decision caught workers off-guard. Michael Mila and Alex Posada were in Orlando representing the Village at a conference when they got a phone call telling them they no longer had jobs.

“We got blindsided,” said Mila, who was out of town to give a presentation on enforcement of vacation rental rules. “This is devastating to me.”

Also laid off was Marilyn Victores, a code enforcement officer.

Agha said a review of caseload and staff indicated that the department was overstaffed and that privatizing the office will save $170,000 annually, although any savings would be reduced by severance agreements.

Agha said inspections will be done by MT Causley and C.A.P. Government. In a memo to the Village Council, Agha wrote that the firms were to be used to cover employee leaves, or if there were a sudden increase in permits, or a hurricane. It did not mention any intention to make staff reductions. The council approved the contracts Tuesday.

“It was not an easy decision to make,” Agha said. “There really wasn’t a strong justification for keeping the office the way it was.”

Agha has been working to close a projected revenue gap caused by a 2.8% decrease in tax revenue due to sliding property values on Key Biscayne.  A preliminary estimate sent to the Village Council this week showed that even with the privatization of the code office, new user fees, and other changes, there would still be a net deficit of $150,000 for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1.

The workers are represented by the International Union of Police Associations. The union has requested bargaining with the Village over severance pay.

“We took great pride in what we did. My respect and loyalty still lies with the Village, even after this has occurred,” said Mila.


Jose Gomez

Jun 15

Overstaffed department with people doing nothing. Good move.

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