Suarez Jumps into County Mayor Race
Tony WintonAugust 23, 2019

District 7 Commissioner Xavier Suarez announces his candidacy for Mayor of Miami-Dade County before reporters gathered at South Miami City Hall, Friday, Aug. 23, 2019. Suarez is the fourth person to join what’s expected to be a crowded field for Miami’s top political job. The election is in Nov. 2020. (Key News/Tony Winton)
Xavier Suarez, who represents Key Biscayne on the Miami-Dade County Commission, formally entered the race for County mayor Friday, saying there would be no conflict with his son Francis, the current mayor of the City of Miami.
“I say my piece, and argue my piece, and I fight for it, whether he likes it or not,” the elder Suarez said.
Suarez made the announcement at South Miami City Hall, flanked by supporters and a logo that described him as the “The People’s Mayor.”
His opening statement did not directly mention Key Biscayne, the Rickenbacker Causeway or Virginia Key, but he did tout billions of dollars in capital improvements for the County Water and Sewer Department, which is under a consent decree to remedy violations of the Clean Water Act.
As he spoke, no-swim advisories were posted in Crandon Park because of excessive levels of fecal bacteria. They were lifted later in the day.
Asked how he would handle situations where County interests might be different than City of Miami interests, Suarez said he has always handled discussions with his son professionally, and has the advantage of being able “to just pick up the phone.”
He acknowledged there have been sharp disagreements with his son, too.
“The Ultra Festival on Virginia Key was a struggle,” Suarez said. “You cannot imagine the number of emails, texts and prayers on that issue. I don’t agree with Ultra downtown, either.”
Suarez is the fourth person to formally announce for the most powerful office in Miami-Dade County, vying with County Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava, former County Commissioner Juan Zapata and political newcomer Monique Barley. Also expected to run is former County Mayor Alex Penelas. Former U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo recently said he would not be a candidate. Also reportedly exploring runs are County Commissioners Esteban Bovo and Jean Monestime.
Voters will choose a new mayor to succeed term-limited Mayor Carlos Gimenez in November 2020.
Asked to condense the reason he’d be the strongest candidate, Suarez said it’s because “I listen to the people, I want to stop the diversion of funds for mass transit, and I want to have a mass transit system that really works and a County that is efficient and compassionate at the same time.”
Suarez Jumps into County Mayor Race