Cheat’s Guide to the Village Council Meeting: Nov. 19
Annali HaywardNovember 15, 2019

The Key News cheat’s guide
With three weeks between meetings this time, Council meeting withdrawal symptoms are surely setting in. Fear not. Our cheat sheet is here to whet your appetite.
With Key Biscayne water quality front and center recently, it’s no surprise almost all of the big issues Tuesday are green. And there are many.
Council Member Katie Petros’ fertilizer ordinance is up for a first reading vote. Several experts in the water quality workshop last week said it is likely that runoff – that is, excess water running off lawns, landscaping, driveways, streets – you name it – that makes its way into the waters surrounding our island paradise is exacerbating the bacteria problem.
Pop quiz time! Guess what’s likely in our runoff? Fertilizers! And what are fertilizers good for? Making stuff grow! Guess what that includes? Bacteria! Seaweed! Let’s see who’s been listening well enough to pass this no-brainer.
Also environment-related is the 2020 legislative priorities resolution, up for a vote. These have mostly been defined already so this is probably more of a procedural item, but there could be some discussion on the addition of the $750,000 request for appropriations for beach management.
Council Member Ignacio Segurola is back as promised with a resolution supporting a Florida Senate bill against previous legislation attempting to stop local governments from prohibiting or restricting the use of harmful, yucky things like single-use plastics. Phew! Got your head round that one? Basically, Segurola would like to be able to ban silly things like polystyrene containers and plastic bags in this day and age. Quite right too. There are a few more things he could probably add to the list while he’s at it.
And here’s the headliner! The Chief Resilience Officer position is up for discussion as Mayor Davey presents a proposed job description for the first time. This item comes up under the Reports and Recommendations section so does not explicitly invite public comments, but what’s the betting we get some anyway?
But before we get to that we’ve got to get through police policies and practices – an item deferred by Council Member Luis Lauredo at the last meeting since Chief of Police Charles Press could not attend. It may be that Lauredo is seeking an update from Press following some recent car thefts.
We’ve also got to navigate the communications program, with a discussion item from Mayor Davey. Let’s see if this area gets any clarification.
A fun item that will afford ample opportunity to engage in everyone’s favorite pastime, talking about maybe doing something on 530 Crandon, is slated by Segurola. Will they, won’t they, ad infinitum.
This should be enough to get you going – dive in and don’t forget to watch on Channel 77/99 and check back for coverage in Key News.