No Fireworks at Town Hall Tuesday
Annali HaywardJanuary 15, 2020

Monitor shows Chief Press Addressing Citizens’ Concern at Tuesday Town Hall (Nancy Beth Jackson/Key News)
A modest turnout of residents attended the Town Hall Tuesday night to hear from Police Chief Charles Press on his department’s operations.
Press gave a detailed presentation of the history, structure and work of the Village’s police department, praising team members as public servants dedicated to keeping Key Biscayne safe.
As for hot topics, there were no big surprises as Press patiently answered questions with data and policy points.
The only question on car chases, from resident Louisa Conway, saw Press reiterate in detail the reasons behind the national rule. On golf cart enforcement, Press expressed a preference that his officers focus more on cars “doing 50mph down Fernwood” than policing teen behavior.
No new information was available on the Rickenbacker Causeway access issue, as Press continues to work with his counterparts on the solution.
New topics included the ease of access for police cars to certain condominium buildings and signage on yards during the upcoming election season. On the former, Press said squad cars sometimes have to wait at condo entry gates and that he had spoken to the Key Biscayne Condominium Presidents’ Council about the issue. On the latter, the chief’s main issue seemed to be the theft of candidates’ signage.
Press ended the meeting with warm messages of support, thanks and praise for his officers.