Key Biscayners Celebrate Charity at Aqua Party
Nancy Beth JacksonJanuary 27, 2020

Silvery mime greeted guests at Aqua Party (Nancy Beth Jackson/Key News)
The Aqua Party marked its 16th year with another sell-out social event Saturday as 350 guests turned out in casual chic to celebrate charity on Key Biscayne over drinks and dinner.
One of the Key Biscayne Community Foundation’s biggest fundraisers, the event was held at The Links at Key Biscayne, which had been transformed into a winter wonderland with giant snowflakes swinging from the ceiling, ice sculptures at every turn and a glittering silver mime on the dance floor mesmerizing guests as they arrived.

Elaborate ice sculptures added to the wintery scene (Nancy Beth Jackson/Key News)
In the crowd mingled community leaders, banking executives, board members, various professionals, a priest, a rabbi, the police chief, the mayor on crutches and plenty of people out for a good time while doing good.

Marius Robinson celebrated his 86th birthday with tai chi friends (Nancy Beth Jackson/Key News)
By 10 p.m., guests crowded the dance floor as the beat picked up with Abba hits and classics like “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini.”
The Key Biscayne Community Foundation is an umbrella philanthropic organization for island residents who want to make a positive difference on Key Biscayne and beyond. It supports a wide variety of projects.