Lions Club Directory Marks Its 58th Year
Nancy Beth JacksonFebruary 10, 2020

The Lions Club publishes its 58th personal and business directory. (Key News / Nancy Beth Jackson)
Travel back in the time to 1962 and you’ll find John F. Kennedy was president, “Love Me Do” was the first Beatles single, John Glenn orbited the earth, and the Cuban Missile Crisis put the nation on red alert.
Those events are history, but the Lions Club Personal & Business Directory — launched that year — has its 58th edition coming out in March. The deadline for business listings has passed, but personal listings, which are free, may be added or updated until Feb. 15.
The Lions, chartered in 1953 and the village’s oldest service club in continuous operation, started the directory as a community service and fundraiser. Directory advertising now accounts for 90 percent of the money the Lions give to charitable causes.
“We’ve raised $750,000-$800,000 through the years,” said Robert Gentilini, Lions Club treasurer, who has been a member since the 2012.
Traditionally Lions International is associated with vision-related causes. In 1925, Helen Keller dubbed the Lions “Knights of the Blind.” Charitable activities have expanded to include diabetes, environment, hunger and childhood cancers. Locally Lions will sponsor testing students’ eyesight at the Key Biscayne K-8 Center this year.
Handy phone book and more
The directory, under the direction of Nora Camejo, has expanded into a glossy, full-color community resource. In addition to being a handy telephone directory, it also has special sections on local residents and organizations, a Key Biscayne map and an activities calendar. Updating or deleting the voluntary personal listings is up to the individual and can be done by contacting the Lions Club.
Directory covers are chosen through a competition of high school photographers. The 2020 winner has yet to be announced, but last year’s cover was by Santiago Krossler, a Design and Architectural High School student from Key Biscayne.
Where to find the directory
It is distributed free to homes and apartment buildings and available at Key Pharmacy, the Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce, Key Biscayne Hardware and APBS (American Postal & Business Services).
A searchable digital edition has also been added. For more information, email
The Lions Club also sponsors an annual Oktoberfest and a Baby Back Ribs Festival, now in its fourth year, scheduled for April 25.