Acts of Kindness: Corona Helpers
Nancy ElisburgMarch 30, 2020

Corona Helpers note found by Nancy Elisburg (Key News via Nancy Elisburg)
A week ago there was a knock at my door and the note I found made me smile … BIG time. The two teenagers who live near me announced that they were now my CORONA HELPERS.
My text to the number on the note assured me that the teenagers and not their mother were the ones offering to help. Mom told me that this was their idea and “They are doing everything. I am just keeping an eye on them. This is important for me … teaching them everyday compassion and good things. They are amazing kids!”
With an offer like that I was not about to turn down their thoughtfulness and ACT OF KINDNESS. So far they have taken out the trash, picked up packages from the lobby, mailed a letter, dropped something off in our building’s office AND finished six loads of laundry. Mom supervised the first load and since they are quick learners they were on their own for the rest. Everything was perfect, even down to the folding.
How could I not share this beautiful gesture with friends and family and here are just some of the responses: “Very nice!!” “Incredible lesson.” “Super awesome!” “This is so nice of them! Everything will be so much sweeter after we get through this.” “This is great!” “WOW … blows me away! How Fabulous!!” “WOW, how thoughtful! Brilliant idea.” “That is amazing.” “The amazing capacity to do good if you will it.” “That is lovely. What great kids!” and “Thank you for sharing and if anything is contagious, I hope it is this helper idea.”
We’re all in this pandemic together and with more ACTS OF KINDNESS like this one we will collectively all become better people, not only as individuals but as a society as well. Don and I have been front and center lately working with Jeff Ervine, CEO of a new business called “BRIDG-IT,” which is a 24/7 program for schools focusing on positivity, kindness and empowerment through Shout-outs and Shout-backs. I, of course, shared my CORONA HELPER note with Jeff who immediately thought of ways to build ideas like this into his program. Letting children use their imagination to reach out and help those around them is key as they are our future leaders. Talk about positivity, kindness and empowerment. The possibilities are endless.
My hat goes off to the mother of these amazing teenagers. Her value system is clearly in the right place and she’s passed those lessons on to her children. We need more parents to follow suit. Ask your kids and neighbors to look around, use their imagination and make a list of ACTS OF KINDNESS that are doable right now, doable when the pandemic is behind us and always remember to smile, say thank you and appreciate the goodness in people.
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!