Citizen Science Lecture
July 25, 2019, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A briefing on the 1st bipartisan Carbon Pricing legislation active in the US Congress in a decade. What could you do to help move it along?
Dr. John Van Leer earned a B.S. from Case Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering in 1962 and then spent 3+ years designing and testing re-entry missile guidance systems, while working as a mechanical/aerospace engineer at the
MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. He received a Doctorate of Science in Physical Oceanography from the M.I.T/W.H.O.I. Joint Program in Physical Oceanography in 1971. Later, Dr. Van Leer joined the RSMAS faculty at University of Miami, researching Arctic Ocean measurements of under-sea ice, continental shelf measurements, and in surface and bottom boundary layers. He teaches several environmental courses, including a course in Sustainable Living, and has served on Green U and the RSMAS Green Committee.
The Citizen Scientist Project’s Lecture Series is an ongoing monthly lecture series hosted on Key Biscayne and is open & free to the public.
Our lecture series topics vary from core topics in environmental science & conservation to current topics that immediately impact Key Biscayne, Biscayne Bay, the Everglades, and other regions throughout South Florida.
Key Biscayne Community Center, 10 Village Green Way
Lighthouse Room, 2nd Floor
Free Admission & Open to the Public. Refreshments will be served.
Space is limited! Please register at the Front Desk.