SunSmart 5K
March 8, 2020, 7:30 am - 10:00 am

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine students are hosting the 11th Annual SunSmart 5K to celebrate skin health!
Skin cancer research at University of Miami (UM)’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Melanoma, a skin cancer, is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Every 67 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies from melanoma. Sun exposure is responsible for most melanomas and other skin cancers. Floridians are at risk – of all states, the risk of melanoma is highest in Florida. Runners are at particular risk due to their increased sun exposure. A portion of the proceeds from this race will go toward melanoma and skin cancer research at UM’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Investing in research can lead to developments of new treatment options for patients with skin cancer.
Bring your family and friends, race for great causes, and start the day having learned about and improved your own skin health!
Race Perks
University of Miami dermatologists will be at the race to give Free Post-Race Skin Cancer Screenings within private booths!
Other perks include:
· Free full day entrance to the park after the race
· Free T-shirt and Participation Medal
· Free snacks & refreshments
· Chances to win awards
· Exciting raffle and auction prizes
· Meet the Miami Heat dancers, former Olympian Manuel Huerta, and other special guests
· The chance to relax on a beautiful beach after the race
· A healthy way to begin your day!
Looking to go the extra mile to support skin cancer research? Make a special donation by registering as one of our VIP Donors at
VIP Donor Levels/Registration Fees:
Platinum $200
Gold $100
Silver $55
Bronze $40
All VIP Donors will receive a donor medal! Platinum Level Donors will receive special recognition at the event.
Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park
1200 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, FL 33149
The park is located at the very end of the island of Key Biscayne.
The park entrance fee is included in the price of your race registration.
Prior to Race Day
Pre-registration: Now-March 5th
Early Packet Pick-up: March 6th and 7th (Location TBD)
Race Day: March 8th
Race Day Registration & Packet Pick-up: 6:00 AM in Lot D of Bill Baggs Park
Race Begins: 7:30 AM
Please note: daylight savings time change occurs at 2:00 AM on March 8th
Awards, Raffle, and Dermatology Screening ~8:30 AM (following race)
Volunteer Opportunities Available
If you would like to volunteer at the SunSmart 5K, contact the event’s coordinator at for details.
If you would like to sponsor the SunSmart 5K, contact the event’s coordinator at for details.
Official Partners
City of Miami’s Team For Life